Is the door or regulator open or close? Unfortunately the airway sizes, friction factors, shock losses and fan performances are often not exactly known and can be difficult or time consuming to measure in some areas. Your browser does not support the video tag. This site uses cookies to eh with navigation, provide feedback, and analyze your use of our products and services, I Agree For more information, including how to control your privacy settings and your ad choices, read our Cookie Policy and Privacy Notice. This simulation differs from the normal ‘steady state’ contaminant and gas simulations in that ventilation models can show contamination progress and concentration at any time.

Tutorial: Validating Your Ventsim™ Model – Ventsim Work backwards from the main airflows to the surface and fn to discover the discrepancy between the data put into the model such as airway sizes, frictions factors, regulators or doors, fans etcand the actual data of the mine. There is no correct answer, but every engineer and consultant should have a target to aim for based on what expaol model is required for.Īccuracy represents the difference between modelled airflows and pressures, and the actual measured airflows and pressures. This site uses cookies to assist with navigation, provide feedback, and analyze your use of our products and services, I Agree For more information, including how to control your privacy settings and your ad choices, read our Cookie Policy and Privacy Notice.

More often than not, a major factor or item has been missed in the model simulation, ventslm once resolved the simulation will perform as expected. Official Releases – Ventsim – 3D Mine Ventilation Simulation Software (Español) Webinar: Descubre las mejoras en VentSim DESIGN V Sorry, this entry Are you still generating the curve of your fan manually? This is a thing of. Ventsim SoftwareVentsim Visual™ Standard, Advanced and Premium Versions ( Version 1 MBI Drilling – Presentación Principal-Español This manual presents a guide to the effective use of Ventsim Visual™ ventilation software for mine. Manual de ventsim en español Ventsim Visual™ User Guide This manual presents a guide to the effective use of Ventsim Visual™ ventilation software.