Schmertmann settlement program
Schmertmann settlement program

schmertmann settlement program

A time factor can also be included to account for time dependent (creep) effects. The method proposed a simplified triangular strain distribution and calculates the settlement accordingly. Select this option and the program will automatically divide up your soil layers to ensure a good discretization Settlement Calculation Details of the settlement calculation can be found.Schmertmann method The Schmertmann method () calculates settlement from layer stiffness data or cone tip bearing resistances, q c obtained from a Cone Penetration Test (CPT). Subdivide layers: The accuracy of results improves as more layers are entered.Use modified Schmertmann (1978): In Schmertmann et al (1978), more accurate equations were derived for the strain profile and for converting q c to E s.By choosing this option, you may enter E s directly. Use E s: By default, you must enter q c for each layer and the program converts to the one-dimensional modulus E s (as shown ).γ sat: Unit weight of soil above below the water table (saturated).γ moist: Unit weight of soil above the water table.Otherwise, it will be calculated from q c (see below)

schmertmann settlement program

This program verifies the vertical bearing capacity and settlement of a single pile or a group of piles, based on the results provided by (static) cone penetration. In program Pile CPT settlement analysis is. The paper describes the estimating settlements of bored piles foundation on the site of. E s: This is the one-dimensional modulus used in the settlement calculation.q c: This is the cone tip bearing resistance from a Cone Penetration Test.Thickness: This is the thickness of each layer starting from the surface, not from the bottom of the footing.tsf: This gives stress in tsf (tons per square foot), length in feet and settlement in inches.ksf: This gives stress in ksf (1000 pounds per square foot), length in feet and settlement in inches.kPa: This gives stress in kPa (kilopascals), length in m (meters) and settlement in cm (centimeters).This application calculates settlement of a footing placed on a cohesionless material (sand) using the Schmertmann method (Schmertmann, 1970, Schmertmann et al, 1978). Schmertmann Settlement Program 3,6/5 9751votes

Schmertmann settlement program